Feelings of worth can flourish only in an atmosphere where individual differences are appreciated, mistakes are tolerated, communication is open, and rules are flexible -- the kind of atmosphere that is found in a nurturing family. Virginia Satir

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Ian's big accomplishment!

This has been such a nice and lazy weekend for me and my babies. Even though it was a lazy weekend for us, it was an exciting one for Ian Robert!

Friday night at my parent's house, my dad says to me that I wouldn't even believe him that Ian had went from a laying down position and sat himself up! I couldn't believe I had missed it! We sat around and played with Ian for a little bit, and then all of a sudden, he was doing it! Now that he has started doing it, he can't stop! He does it all day long. He does it in his bed now when he's waking up from sleeping, and he does it to get into his toy basket to see his toys! I am so proud of him :).

And Peyton just gets so excited to play with him! I'm so glad that they have eachother.

Ms.Laurel (Ian's therapist) is going to be so excited to hear about what he has started doing! On top of that, she wanted to start introducing him to food that was textured, to see how he would like it. I fed him some textured green bean and pear mix today, and he just sat there and chomped with his gums, but he seemed to like it. She wants me to pick up some yogurt bites that melt in the mouth, so I am going to do that tomorrow. I'm hoping he loves it so much!

What a perfect, lazy weekend :).

1 comment:

  1. Oh that is such a big accomplishment! I remember when Kayla started doing that it distracted her from taking a nap - because once I put her down she would go right back to sitting! congrats to Ian on this milestone!
