Feelings of worth can flourish only in an atmosphere where individual differences are appreciated, mistakes are tolerated, communication is open, and rules are flexible -- the kind of atmosphere that is found in a nurturing family. Virginia Satir

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

It's been awhile...

I haven't gotten a chance to do much blogging lately, so I figured while I have a second today, I should make a new post!

Things around here are hectic since Charlie left for Afghanistan. I'm trying to handle things by myself, but it can be very difficult. He left in March, 1 week after Ian was born, and then came back for about a month and left again recently. So I've been alone pretty much for 2011. It's definitely been a hard year for me so far, but I'm getting use to things. I've been trying to stay positive about things, and not worry about other things if I don't really have to.

Both of the boys are doing great. Peyton started school this year and he absolutely loves it! He loves everything about it and can't get enough! Ian is doing so well at everything he tries. He's almost sitting up on his own, but he is almost crawling as well. He gets so upset and frustrated because he wants to get around himself, but he is almost there. He also is eating baby food, and people are always telling me how chunky he is, but I just like to think of it as 'healthy' lol. He has been keeping up with doctor's appointments and his heart appointments, and he has a healthy heart and is over-all a happy baby.

My biggest problem is dealing with myself. Everyone needs to work on self improvement I believe, so I just need to start and get it done. I've realized I don't have many people there for me anymore. And I don't mean to sound whiney, but I already know people go their seperate ways as they get older. I do have people there for emotional support, and mainly it's family and a few friends, but I need to learn that even though I may not even talk to anyone for an entire week, I can't get myself down. I need to realize that I'm just trying to get through this time alone until my husband comes back. It's a very, very lonely place, and I know a lot of women know what I'm talking about when their husband's leave. I'm trying to stay positive, and work on myself. I'm hoping to figure out things I like to do, such as hobbies, and although I'm always busy with the kids, I need to learn ways to keep myself busy doing things that I enjoy too. It needs to get done or else I'll be a pretty sad person for the next year.

Anyway, that's my goal for the next year. To just help my kids grow and learn, to be happy, and kind. To make myself happy as well, and not to rely on others to help make me feel happy. I do have a lot of good stuff going for me and my family, so I just need to be thankful for what we have...especially for being happy and healthy.

1 comment:

  1. BRAVO!!!!!!! what a wonderfully positive post! It is SOOOOOOOOO incredibly difficult to have your husband in another country! We are always here for you and the boys. We love all of you so much and the fact that you are choosing to improve yourself is FABULOUS!!!!!!! You WILL get through this and be stronger for it in the end. <3
