Feelings of worth can flourish only in an atmosphere where individual differences are appreciated, mistakes are tolerated, communication is open, and rules are flexible -- the kind of atmosphere that is found in a nurturing family. Virginia Satir

Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Memorial Day!

I'm so thankful that today was such a beautiful day. It was at least 90 degrees for most of the day, and me and the boys took full advantage of that! Peyton and I played basketball in the yard while Ian slept in his swing on the porch. I can't wait until Ian gets bigger so we can all play together. Right now he's kind of just a lump on a log lol. My sweet little baby boy is turning into a chunky boy! I will have to weigh him some time soon. I'm sure he weighs 20 pounds...okay, not that much, but it feels like it haha.

After we hung out at home in the yard, we went over to my dad's for some dinner. He grilled out and made some burgers and hot dogs. We had potato salad, cheesy potatoes, asparagus, and I can't remember what else. I think my memory is going bad..and I'll just blame that on my children for driving me insane lol!

Well, I've been cleaning all day so that I don't have to come home from my vacation to a messy house. I got the rest of my packing done. The boys are packed up, and now I have all of my stuff done. I had some issues with my rental car today so I might just ride around with Charlie's parents when I get there. Oh well, it'll save me a little bit of money. It really puts a damper on your day when something as big as renting a car falls through, but oh well. Nothing can rain on my parade because I am going to see my husband! It's been months now, and I can't wait!

We took our tubby's and showers...and played a little bit. Ian layed in his crib naked so that he could dry off and get some cool air to his body because he was so hot all day! He layed in his crib and stared at his mobile. He loves to listen to it and watch it go around and around.

Then I asked Peyton to let me get a picture of him, but he kept running around Ian's room and laughing, sooo this is the best I could get lol!
What a great day with my sweet baby boys! Happy Memorial Day to everyone :).

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