Feelings of worth can flourish only in an atmosphere where individual differences are appreciated, mistakes are tolerated, communication is open, and rules are flexible -- the kind of atmosphere that is found in a nurturing family. Virginia Satir

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Today started out a bit rough, but definitely got better as the night went on.

I had an issue with our cell phone place. Too make a really long story short, I paid on my husband's cell phone a couple weeks ago for the upcoming month in advance, and it never went through. They had receipts and so did I, but they said it never went to the 'big' office. They were going to make me pay again! I was so upset. Anyway, they fixed it after a couple trips to the store and some phone calls.

Good thing I got the problem fixed because Charlie called me tonight from his base and said he is going out into the fields until Sunday and not coming back to his base until then. I'll be able to talk to him Sunday, but I'm glad I didn't miss his phone call due to the cell phone problem. It's so nice to hear from him. I feel crazy all day long here by myself with our children, so it makes me feel good about everything when I hear his voice.

Tomorrow I am going to the park with a friend of the family to let Peyton play. Hopefully it is nice out, and any rain can hold off until later at night.

I watch Glee all of the time, and I am a huge 'gleek'! I love the show so much, but I now love it even more because of Becky. She is such an awesome role model and spokesperson for all people with Down Syndrome. It makes me happy to see her on the show. Tonight, I cried at the end! To see Jane Lynch play a role where her sister was her best friend, and also a person with DS, it kind of touched my heart in different ways. I love what Glee is doing for all who have DS and for their family and friends!

I'm hoping my two boys will be hitting the hay soon, but I'm sure that won't happen for about, another hour. I'm so tired today for some reason. Actually, I'm tired the second I wake up in the morning lol! Hoping for another great day tomorrow :).


  1. Welcome to the Blogosphere! This community of ladies are my family. I "knew" them way before all the West Michigan Mommies :) So glad to have you as apart of our family. Btw us I would like you to know how awesome you are. You are so early in this journey and are already at such a great place with all of this. It's definitely a roller coaster and crazy emotions tend to sneak up from time to time, but it is quite wonderful in "Holland." I can not wait to meet you!!!

  2. I am so happy you have joined the blogging community! Like Jenee, I knew people through their blogs before we all found each other on Facebook and in person. We were able to see little pieces into each others lives through blogs and know that even though things can be crazy at times there are also times where everything is calm! Maybe we can get together and have a GLEE party! I can't to get everyone together!

  3. I can't wait to meet you guys either! It seems like since the second Ian was born, you guys were all right there to help comfort me by answering any questions I had, and just being there for me if I needed anything. I'm glad to know you guys :).
