Feelings of worth can flourish only in an atmosphere where individual differences are appreciated, mistakes are tolerated, communication is open, and rules are flexible -- the kind of atmosphere that is found in a nurturing family. Virginia Satir

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

So tired!

I can't believe how cool it was here in Muskegon today. It's like we have really hot days, and then cold days like today. I had to run to the grocery store and get some groceries today, and it rained on the way there, but thank God, it stopped raining on my way out when I had to unload my groceries. I hate shopping in bad weather! It makes grocery shopping that much worse.

I've been so paranoid, watching the news every day to see what's going on Oklahoma. It makes me scared for Charlie down there, but I know that the military would have places for their guys to go to stay safe. Now I'm scared to go down there to see him! Where the heck do I hide at inside of a hotel? I have no idea..but I'm there until the 5th and I hope things can at least calm down while I'm there. I'm so scared I'll get sucked up in a tornado and I'll never make it back home to see my beautiful babies :(. I'm just being way too scared right now.

I'm so sad that Oprah is all done! I know she has a network, but it's not the same as the Oprah Show. I loooved watching it every day! Her last episode today made me want to cry. I almost did, but I held it back lol.

Baby Ian is getting really chunky! He's only 2 months old and he's drinking 4-5 ounces every 3 hours. He's growing so fast it's crazy! I wish my babies wouldn't grow so fast, it seems like they don't stay little for very long. He has a ton of fat rolls now lol! I have to put baby powder in his neck rolls because he was getting raw skin in between them from being sweaty and then having his skin rub together. My poor handsome baby! And, he's got the fattest kissing cheeks that anyone could ask for! So perfect :).

It's almost 11 p.m. right now, and I'm really hoping to go to bed soon. I hate that my boys stay up so late because I'm tired around 7:00 and could head to bed at that time! I guess I'm use to it though, so it doesn't bother me as bad anymore.

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