Feelings of worth can flourish only in an atmosphere where individual differences are appreciated, mistakes are tolerated, communication is open, and rules are flexible -- the kind of atmosphere that is found in a nurturing family. Virginia Satir

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Scary weather!

So it's a little after 11:30 tonight and my boys just fell asleep. Well, I finally just layed Ian down and I'm hoping he'll fall asleep. That little guy would stay awake all night if I'd let him. Usually he just fusses for a tiny bit and then realizes he's tired, and then he falls asleep lol.

I hate being home alone all of the time. Yes, I get lonely with just the boys here, but I also hate when we gets any kind of storm. Anytime I know the weather is going to be bad, I can't fall asleep. If there are high winds or something that scares me too bad, I won't go to bed, just in case I need to drive to my dad's house. We don't have a basement, so I'm always wanting to stay on top of things in case something bad were to come our way. Hopefully tonight nothing bad will happen. We seem to be getting a lot of crappy weather lately. I guess I'd rather take crappy over disastrous weather though. Even still, hearing the storms scares the crap out of me here by myself.

I talked to Charlie tonight, thank God. I just needed to talk to him and tell him about stuff going on around here. Not only that, but I can't wait to see him and be with him again. I can't wait to go down and see him in Oklahoma :). I'll be paranoid of bad weather while I'm there too lol.

Well, I guess I better go. I need to go watch the weather and make sure nothing crazy is going on. Goodnight!

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