Feelings of worth can flourish only in an atmosphere where individual differences are appreciated, mistakes are tolerated, communication is open, and rules are flexible -- the kind of atmosphere that is found in a nurturing family. Virginia Satir

Friday, May 20, 2011

Take one, two, three, four....

Today was a very nice day overall. It was nice outside for most of the day, and my boys and I got to go hang out with our friend Yvonne. Peyton played with all the kids, and looked at the horses, and a baby calf! It was nice to have some adult time too. I never really get adult time, so it was good to talk to someone other than a child lol!

I wanted to take some pictures of the two boys together, but it is so hard to get them in the same picture. Either Ian isn't looking at the camera, or Peyton won't behave. I guess the pictures are still cute, but here's the pictures lol!

And then..finally. We got one right lol! It's the best we could get, but it looks pretty good. I love my little boys :).


  1. This is pretty much the majority of our pictures too. It's almost as if all the not so perfect ones are the ones that make you smile the most. :-) Both your boys are adorable, such a blessed mama!

  2. Well, you have 3 to try and get into a picture together, and I thought it was hard with 2! lol. I do feel very blessed to have both of my little boys..the definitely make me such a happy mom. :)
