Feelings of worth can flourish only in an atmosphere where individual differences are appreciated, mistakes are tolerated, communication is open, and rules are flexible -- the kind of atmosphere that is found in a nurturing family. Virginia Satir

Monday, May 16, 2011

What A Great Day.

Today has been such a great day. It hasn't been too hot, but it's cool enough that Peyton doesn't want to go outside and play. Ian had his Early On therapy session today, and that went really well. I'm so proud of Ian for being such a strong little boy. He surprises me every single day!

We've been working on different things to help his motor skills. Even though he is only 2 months old, I hope that working with him early will help to make things easier for him. Right now he doesn't do too much, but he does seem to be progressing. He will pick his head up when laying on his tummy, or when I'm burping him. He will roll onto his back off of his stomach or side, and he's grabbing things and kicking his little legs all of the time. I know it doesn't sound like much, but it makes me happy :).

Those are all pictures of my handsome little Ian..some of him working hard to lift up his head, and others of him just hanging out :). And his big brother Peyton loves playing with him so much! I can't wait for Ian to get big enough to play along with him.

I definitely have the best boys in the world, and they have the best dad in the world. He is also my husband and best friend! He is currently gone right now in the military, but he will be back home in August.
There is my husband, and Peyton when he was a teeny tiny baby. I need to find a more recent picture lol! I'm glad to be a part of the blogging family now!


  1. Welcome to the blogging world Melissa! I look forward to reading about Mr. Peyton and Mr. Ian's upcoming adventures!

  2. This wonderful melissa. You are a strong women, and a wonderful mom. You will get through this, just keep working with him. Just remeber each day that passes is a day closer that charlie comes home!

    P.s. You make me want to start blogging!

  3. It's pretty nice to blog kaylee...it's nice to sit down and think about what happened that day, when you get a second anyway lol! And thanks Erin, I'm excited to finally have a blog!
