Feelings of worth can flourish only in an atmosphere where individual differences are appreciated, mistakes are tolerated, communication is open, and rules are flexible -- the kind of atmosphere that is found in a nurturing family. Virginia Satir

Saturday, May 21, 2011


Today was actually a nice day. Of course, the world was suppose to end at 6:00, but I must have survived it lol!

Woke up early this morning to make sure I got  a head start on getting ready for my day. I had a wedding shower for Casey and Rocky at 1:00, and it literally takes me hours to get ready! Between showering, and packing up and feeding both kids, it can be quite a task! It was so humid out though. I really shouldn't have even done my hair since it started to get all frizzy.

The wedding shower was a lot of fun, and it's always nice to be able to get together with family. The food was amazing, and it was nice to hang out with everyone. Overall it was a nice time :).

I got home and stopped at my parent's house, and we ate a really nice dinner. Chicken, fresh asparagus, and au gratin potatoes! It was so yummy. I hung out over there for awhile tonight, and then came home, played a card game with Peyton, and now I'm hoping he'll fall asleep. Hopefully I can feed Ian his bottle and he'll be out too! In the mean time, I'm watching extreme couponing..makes me want to get in on that action. I can't believe some of those ladies and how much they save! Insane! I'm happy to save a buck or two on an item when I go to the store lol!

Tomorrow night I am suppose to hear from Charlie, and it will make me extremely happy to be able to talk to him. I miss him way too much. I know it's getting closer and closer to me going and seeing him in Oklahoma, and then after that, that means we're that much closer to him coming home to us! We love him and miss him so much, and I know Peyton can't wait to see him again! Hopefully tomorrow will be a nice day as well. I could use as many nice days as I can get.

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