Feelings of worth can flourish only in an atmosphere where individual differences are appreciated, mistakes are tolerated, communication is open, and rules are flexible -- the kind of atmosphere that is found in a nurturing family. Virginia Satir

Monday, May 23, 2011

Ice Cream!

Overall I feel like today was productive, and great. Woke up early (yeah, 9 is early when I get no sleep at night lol), and Early On came over. Ian seems to be doing good, but then again, it's hard for me to even know what good is right now. It's funny, because I try to think of what Peyton was doing when he was this little, and I can't even remember when he hit his milestones lol! I know he was walking at about 10 months, but that's about all I really remember. I'm not sure where Ian should be at right now, but I think he's doing fine. I just love him to pieces. I absolutely love when I hold him and he just stares at me without blinking. It's like he's thinking...'You're my mama' lol. OoOh how much I love him <3.

After Early On, I had a doctor's appointment and was only gone for a little while. I came home and just a little bit ago, me, Sam, her boyfriend Tony and his nephew Brayden, and little Ian and Peyton went out for some ice cream, and the two little boys played together. Of course Peyton took a couple licks of his, and then decided he wanted to eat mine. Of course...and I don't like kid spit, just so you know, even though he is my own child, I still don't like others spit lol! They both wiped out a few times on the cement and they both ended up with matching scrapes on their knees and legs. They are a crazy couple. Both of them are hyper..so it works out good :).

Hoping tomorrow is just as nice as today was. I really have no plans for the rest of the week, which is a first. I'm just hanging out at home with my babies, and hoping for good weather so we can get outside some more. I am just waiting, and waiting, and waiting to go down and see Charlie. I can't wait! He makes me so proud. He makes me proud to call him my husband, and that we have such a beautiful life together. Things can only keep getting better. He absolutely loves being in the army, so it makes me happy that he loves his 'job'.

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